With the House aiming for a health care reform vote by the end of this week, TalkingPointsMemo has an
inside account:
Democratic leaders and President Obama have mounted a major persuasion campaign, trying to get the party on board with the all-speed-ahead push on health care reform legislation. They are offering wavering members - who voted "No" the first time around or are thinking to switch and oppose health care this time - in-person talks with the president and are walking members through how health care reform would help constituents in each lawmaker's district.
Time Magazine has an
estimated schedule of the process that the bill will go through this week. For the latest developments, stay tuned to the
New York Times Prescriptions blog. Here is an account (with video) of Obama's
pitch for the bill at a rally in Ohio today. Finally, here is Nate Silver's interesting
analysis of whether the Democrats are likely to get the necessary 216 votes.

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